Epic dress

Hi again, been a bit busy with the battle against horde last few days. Got rewarded with a nice epic dress. Me like.


And now I have to run back to the battle so that I can get a nice pair of pants that were promised too.

Back in the day (Zul’Farrak and Uldaman)

At some point comes the day in every young adventurers life when they get invited to their first guild run, for me it was the old sand troll city of Zul’'Farrak in north western Tanaris. Back then my guild was the Pious Brethren, a fun and crazy bunch of people that I still do love and miss. backintheday000 So, as you can see in the picture where I am waiting for the ship to Ratchet, I do look a little bit nervous.

The run went fine, think it was back then when I first looted an epic item (Icemail Jerkin, couldn’t use it myself but earned a copper or two by selling it) and my friends started to call me high roller.


backintheday002And in this picture, we have the gang. Darkwulf, a fellow druid. Happy our loved noble warrior and Gemeen who mostly was called just mean even though she wasn’t that nasty. Corporal Fatfeet I do not remember and I feel a little bad for that.


The next picture we see our very own Arch Druid, Eleda. If I remember correctly she came and save the day after Happy had to leave.

As I said, it was a long time ago and my memory is not what it used to be, mainly because of the last years events have been keeping me busy elsewhere.


From Zul’Farrak we continued to the Eastern Kingdoms and Uldaman, from sand trolls to an old dwarven cave system. There we found a dwarven hunter that joined us. The next picture is from when we met Ironaya, I am sorry for the bad quality but it was hard to concentrate on two things at the same time.backintheday004

She was a bit scary, it was the first time I had seen anything like that but still, I think we handled it pretty well. After all, we are still alive.


The last picture for today is from where we are fighting the Ancient Stone Keeper.

Chillmaw and Noblegarden

I ran into a friendly Night Elf Death Knight yesterday, his name is Jarzen and he helped me kill Chillmaw. Have to remember to thank him.

On another note, Noblegarden is here again. So after I got my tournament staff (I really love this staff) today I’ve been busy with the egghunt. Already been in Kharanos and on my way to Dolanaar as I write down these notes. Luckily Noblegarden will be celebrated around the world during the whole week instead of just today. Love when traditions change to the better.


So even though some things get finished, there will always be new challenges around the corner.

Exalted Champion of Darnassus!

I passed the valiant challenge today and became Exalted Champion of Darnassus. Feels great!

The Argent Tournament

Oh yes, there is a tournament in town. Or more like there is a tournament in the most hard to get place of Azeroth, the northest plains of Icecrown. I've been busy with trying to work my way up to a Champion of Darnassus, hopefully I will take the last challenge tomorrow. But as always, being an ambassador does have its drawbacks, people want to have a neutral part investigate things for them.

Like late last night I was summoned by Crusader Rhydalla. She wanted me to investigate a number of murders somehow related to a knight that had entered the tournament. The journey brought me to Moonbrook in Westfall. Haven't been there in a long time so it brought back some memories and I had to take a picture with my handy Super Snapper FX (thanks Curgle Cranklehop for lending it to me). Can't tell you anything more yet, have to see where the evidence leads first.


Darnassus to Stormwind

One of the things that have always fascinated me is the stories that are told by all the people I’ve met around world. I’m looking forward to spread these stories to my readers.

The last few months I’ve spent in Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms trying to figure out what is going on in the countries and regions there. A lot has changed since I first traveled from Darnassus to Stormwind. Back then I had to first travel to Auberdine to take a ship to Menethil Harbor and then walk the long way up to Ironforge. I still remember the first time I saw the Deeprun Tram that still connects the dwarven and human capitals together. I still feel great gratitude towards the gnomes for building it.

Today there are ships going directly from Auberdine to Stormwind Harbor, making the trip possible even for the less experienced travelers.


Hi there my name is Eowind and I am an Night Elf Druid. 
Since a few months I've been an ambassador of the Alliance and now I've been offered to start writing here about my travels in the world of Azeroth.